[1994] 3 SLR(R) 463 – Wong Kok Men and another v Public Prosecutor [1995] 1 SLR 255

[1994] 3 SLR(R) 463 – Wong Kok Men and another v Public Prosecutor [1995] 1 SLR 255 2018-05-17T08:39:38+00:00

Project Description

(Tan Teow Yeow & Co) and Lum Pak Meng (Khosa & Caines) for the first appellant; Sant Singh (Chor Pee & Co) and Cheong Aik Chye (Judy Loke & Cheong) for the second appellant; Bala Reddy (Deputy Public Prosecutor) for the respondent.

Remarks: This is an appeal of a drug trafficking charge which carried the death penalty.